Monday 24 September 2012

Gale Force Winds and Hot Chocolate

We are currently under a severe weather alert. The wind is ripping through the trees across the way making them dance and sway. It's whistling through our wrinkled glass windows and echoing against our flat and sounding like thunder. 

Instead of being worried at the 70mph winds going on outside right now, we used it as an excuse to go shopping for gloves and scarves and socks and to drink copious amounts of pumpkin spice hot chocolate. 

We also stopped by the castle today. We didn't go inside, but we enjoyed getting a feel for the very cool very ancient looking castle and the surrounding shops and 'closes'. 

 Last night I went to a North American Association thing with Erik and Helle. It was near the university. They played American football on all the TVs. I met a lot of Americans who were studying at the university as well, which was cool. The past few days have been pretty laid back, though. Current hobbies include attempting to stay warm and just hanging out in the apartment.

Things are going to start picking up as tomorrow is my first day of work at the parliament! As excited as I am to start the internship, I'm going to miss what's basically just been vacation. However it will be nice to start working and learning a lot about Scotland and Scottish politics. Maybe just not in weather as windy as this though.

1 comment:

  1. I like your new hat! It seems to work well on a 'blowy' Scotish day.
    Glad that you will be going to work tomorrow. I hope your first day is a success.....VERY eager to hear how it goes. Make sure to post it or drop me an email to let me know how it went! Warm and sunny hugs and kisses from California
